The pain and suffering, fear and confusion of so many is beyond description and any words we use to express, particularly from so far away, is feeble and inadequate. Most of us are at a loss to even begin to try and imagine at the loss and destruction that the fires caused. We urge all our Sangha members and friends from all over the world to single-pointedly and with one mind pray for everyone affected by the fires and such similar disasters in many other such places, and help in any way that is possible.
On January 8th 2020 the Sangha of Mindrolling gathered for a prayer ceremony for all those affected by the fires in Australia. All our prayers and thoughts are continually with everyone there at this incredibly difficult time. We continue to pray for every single being affected by this tragedy and hope that all of us in this world learn to work together to avert such tragedies in the future as much as possible.
We encourage all our Sangha friends to continue to practice the Tara practice and accumulate the praises to Tara.

©2020 Mindrolling International